Smaller is better!
There are two sources of natural fulvic acid. Since fulvic acid naturally occurs in humus-rich soils, it is often extracted from the soil. The main disadvantage of this process is that such fulvic acids often contain heavy metals and impurities. In addition to this, their ‘linkage points’ that need to bind with food molecules, are already joined into large molecules. So while fulvic acid is present in such products, it is not all available for absorption through tiny openings in digestive tracts or plant roots.
Ideally you want a fulvic acid molecule smaller than 5000 Dalton. This can only be ensured by manufacturing fulvic acid in clean factory conditions from organic products such as normal carbohydrates. That’s why its called Carbo-Hydrate Derived Fulvic Acid (CHD-FA™). These fulvic acid molecules are all smaller than 5000 Dalton, and some get even filtered to smaller than 400 Dalton.
400 Dalton is small enough to be absorbed straight through your skin!
So when using fulvic acid look at its molecule size. The smaller, the better.